Generate letters for all 3 credit

bureaus. Easily do it yourself




Generate letters for all 3 credit

bureaus. Easily do it yourself

Luxury Credit Hacks is a credit repair expert so you don’t have to be.

The revolutionary new Ai software that you can do it yourself that makes it easy and fast to come up with the dispute letters. The software also has tutorial and coaching videos that walks you through the process.

Dispute any account on all 3 bureaus

Luxury Credit Hacks can help you delete these accounts from Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion:

No need to create an account with each credit bureau. Luxury Credit Hacks brings all three credit bureaus to you.

Late Payments




Charge Offs




Late Payments




Charge Offs




Smart Import

Luxury Credit Hacks automatically imports your 3 bureau

credit report without creating a hard inquiry

Unlimited Disputes

Dispute as many accounts as you want on all 3 bureaus at the same time. It doesn’t matter if you have one account or fifty accounts to dispute, Luxury Credit Hacks can easily manage and track all of them

Professional Letters

Letters are far more effective at getting accounts permanently deleted than online disputes. Luxury Credit Hacks letter generator helps you create effective disputes based on consumer protection laws.

Track Your Results

Every month Luxury Credit Hacks imports your new 3 bureau credit report and shows which accounts were deleted and your new credit scores. If an account wasn’t deleted, Luxury Credit Hacks will suggest a new strategy for additional disputes.

No need to hire a credit repair company

Don’t waste your time and money hiring a credit repair company to send generic disputes the 3 credit bureaus can legally reject.

Luxury Credit Hacks helps you create far more effective disputes than any credit repair company. Because you send them yourself, the credit bureaus won't reject them.

Easily create effective disputes for all 3 credit bureaus and improve your credit score with Luxury Credit Hacks.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does your AI Credit Repair Software work?

Our AI Credit Repair Software analyzes credit reports, identifies errors, and generates dispute letters to improve credit scores.

What kind of credit issues can your software help me with?

Our software can help you identify and dispute errors such as incorrect personal information, fraudulent accounts, inaccurate balances, and outdated information on your credit report.

How accurate is your software in identifying credit issues and fixing them?

Our software uses advanced algorithms to accurately identify credit issues and generates customized dispute letters that are highly effective in fixing credit errors. However, the ultimate outcome depends on the accuracy and completeness of the credit reports provided by the credit bureaus.

Can your software handle multiple credit reports from different credit bureaus?

Yes, our software can handle multiple credit reports from different  the three credit bureaus and consolidate the information into one easy-to-read report for analysis and dispute.

Is your software compliant with regulations such as the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)?

Yes, our software is fully compliant with regulations such as the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and other laws that govern credit repair. We take compliance very seriously and ensure that our software and services adhere to all relevant regulations.

How long does it typically take for your software to start improving my credit score?

The time it takes for our software to start improving your credit score depends on various factors such as the number and complexity of errors on your credit report, the responsiveness of credit bureaus, and the accuracy and completeness of the information you provide. In general, you may start to see improvements in your credit score within a few weeks or months of using our software.

What kind of customer support do you offer if I have questions or issues with the software?

We have customer support if you have questions. Email us at

How secure is my personal information when I use your software?

The time it takes for our software to start improving your credit score depends on various factors such as the number and complexity of errors on your credit report, the responsiveness of credit bureaus, and the accuracy and completeness of the information you provide. In general, you may start to see improvements in your credit score within a few weeks or months of using our software.

Are there any additional fees or hidden costs associated with using your software?

No, there are no additional fees or hidden costs associated with using our software. You do have to pay $39.95 for credit monitoring.

What kind of results can I expect from using your software, and are there any guarantees or warranties?

While we cannot guarantee specific results, our software is designed to identify and dispute credit errors that could be negatively impacting your credit score. We have helped many customers improve their credit scores and achieve their financial goals, but the outcome ultimately depends on various factors such as the accuracy and completeness of the credit reports provided by credit bureaus. We offer a satisfaction guarantee and will work with you to resolve any issues or concerns.

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